Hear Us

Our Summer Concert on the 14th July 2024 included an eclectic mix of pieces, from Vaughan Williams to Simon and Garfunkel.  It also includes a premier – The Music of the Thames – written especially for community choirs close to the River Thames.

Our Christmas 2023 concert was a sell-out.  We were joined by our friends Voces Mates.

Summer 2023 saw us perform to an appreciative audience – take time to listen if you can.

The following arrangement of “One Day Like This” by Elbow, is a clip from our “Sumer is icumen in” concert on July 10th 2022 at St. Sampson’s Church, Cricklade. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed singing it!

One Day Like This

The following clip is an extract from our 2022 Christmas concert, with guests Voces Mates, featuring 3 pieces from the movie “Home Alone”.

Christmas 2022