
Sing For Four – The Origins

Sing For Four Community Choir was founded in the February of 2010 by Mrs Mary F New (prestigious piano teacher and previous accompanist to Swindon’s Wessex Male Choir). 

In April 2009 a Memorial Service was held in recognition of Mr Michael Ferris, the former headmaster of St Sampsons Junior School, Cricklade, a post he had held for 25 years.  Mary, who had close connections with the school and having taught many pupils over the years, was approached to form a choir to support this service.  Previous pupils and parents of children at the school were contacted by Mary to participate and the response was immense with over 60 participants coming forward to take part.

Following the Memorial Service, Mary received many requests for the formation of a regular choir within Cricklade, and so in February of the following year the choir Sing For Four was born, holding its first 4-week spell of rehearsals! Originally it was suggested the Choir would meet for 4 consecutive weeks, four times per annum, and hence the name Sing For Four (and logo Sing 4/4) was adopted. However, it was evident that Choir members were thirsty to sing more often and soon the choir was meeting regularly throughout the year.

Over the next 11 years under the wonderful directorship of Mary the Choir members grew in number, strength and confidence, always encouraged to achieve their potential. Mary was supported by her husband Graeme, who provided musical arrangements for Sing For Four throughout these years.  The Choir went on to perform concerts on a regular basis, singing a large variety of music – concerts included a Jubilee concert, Summer and Christmas concerts, community Christmas carols and nursing home visits, raising several thousands of pounds for local charities.

Sing Four Four – New Beginnings, New Name

During the first lockdown of 2020, Mary approached Jen Bamford to see if she would be interested in taking on the choir, as she wished to retire.

Mary’s aim was to continue, when possible, until the AGM, where she would hand over to Jen.  Due to Covid restrictions, the AGM was postponed several times, but it finally took place in August 2021.  There were still restrictions at that time, but a small group of Mary’s helpers were able to pay tribute to her and Graeme’s tireless efforts.

The choir was able to recommence their rehearsals on Thursday 16th September, 2021, with a mixture of original choir members and new voices. 

Since the choir now rehearses throughout the year (with some breaks for school holidays), it is no longer singing “For Four” weeks at a time, so the title “Sing Four Four” (as in the time signature and hence the website address) is a very small twist on its original name. Mary and her husband Graeme remain as Patrons of Sing Four Four, attending our concerts on a regular basis.

October 2021